About Us
The Centre of Research Excellence in Translating Early Prevention of Obesity in Childhood (EPOCH-Translate CRE), is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC; 2022-2026). Our mission is to identify and implement effective approaches to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours and prevent childhood obesity from early life, including among groups who are more affected by obesity.
We bring together a multidisciplinary network of leading researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in Australia and internationally to work on the following aims:
- Generate evidence-based recommendations for different policy and practice contexts on features of obesity prevention intervention in 0-5 year olds that are effective, provide the best value for money, can be scaled up and provide optimal outcomes, particularly in groups living with disadvantage.
- Facilitate implementation and systems change through national and international networks of key stakeholders in early childhood obesity prevention.
- Build capacity of Australian obesity prevention research workforce to deliver health impact.
EPOCH-Translate CRE builds upon our world-leading research in the prevention of obesity in early childhood in previous funding (EPOCH CRE; 2016-2021). Read more about our past research