Dr Emalie Rosewarne

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Public Health, The University of Sydney

Emalie Rosewarne is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Accredited Practising Dietitian at The University of Sydney. Her research focuses on research translation and implementation science of early obesity prevention programs as part of Stream 3 of the EPOCH-Translate CRE.

Emalie completed her PhD in 2023 (UNSW), which assessed the design, implementation and evaluation of nutrition policies and advocacy strategies to create healthier food environments. She has a strong track record in scaling up public health nutrition programs and understanding effective implementation strategies. Emalie also holds a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Bachelor of Science from The University of Sydney.

Read more: Dr Emalie Rosewarne https://www.linkedin.com/in/emalie-rosewarne-97620a70/

Publications: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=d8-2R6EAAAAJ

Email: emalie.rosewarne@sydney.edu.au

Twitter: @EmalieRosewarne https://twitter.com/EmalieRosewarne

