Dr Sarah Taki
Senior Research Officer, Sydney Local Health District
Senior Research Officer, Sydney Local Health District
Sarah Taki is a Senior Research Officer & Coordinator of Population Health Research and Evaluation Hub based at the Health Promotion Unit, Sydney Local Health District. She also has an affiliation at the University of Sydney as an honorary Research Fellow in the Sydney School of Public Health. In addition, Sarah is an Accredited Practising Dietitian She is also a co-President of the NSW Branch Australian Health Promotion Association.
Since completing her PhD in 2017, Sarah has continued to specialise in developing, implementing and evaluating programs that support parents with behaviours that promote healthy weight gain in the first 2000 days such as the Growing Healthy and Healthy Beginnings programs. In particular, she has developed extensive experience in working on digital based programs as well as implementing and embedding programs into real world settings. Further, she is working to build on the research in working with supporting families in the first 2000 days from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Sarah is an Associate Investigator on the EPOCH Translate CRE and works within Stream 3. In this stream Sarah will contribute to the research exploring approaches to upscale and embed childhood obesity prevention programs such as the Healthy Beginnings program into practice within NSW and beyond.
Read more: Dr Sarah Taki | Publications
Email: Sarah.Taki@health.nsw.gov.au
Twitter: @sarah_taki