Interactivity, Quality, and Content of Websites Promoting Health Behaviours during Infancy: A six-year update of the Systematic Assessment

A 2015 systematic assessment of infant feeding websites and apps available in Australia found that 61% of websites were of poor quality and readability with minimal coverage of infant feeding topics and a lack of author credibility.

This study aimed to systematically assess the quality, interactivity, readability, and comprehensibility of information targeting infant feeding, active play, screen time and sleep behaviours on websites globally; and provide an update of the 2015 systematic assessment.

The quality, content, readability, and interactivity of websites promoting health behaviours during infancy ranged from poor to adequate. Since the 2015 systematic assessment, there was a slight improvement in the quality of websites but no difference in the SAM rating and readability of information.

This systematic assessment highlighted the need for more interactive, culturally competent, and evidence-based information on infant health websites that are accessible to those with limited English proficiency.

Danielle Jawad presented this work at the Digital Health Week 2022 conference and was awarded the “People’s Choice Award” for the most liked ePoster.

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